The Biggest Family History Conference in the World!

by Shenley Puterbaugh


RootsTech is only one month away and I can’t wait to go and be inspired! It is the biggest family history conference in the world and this year will be extra special! It is RootsTech’s 10th anniversary and CHILDREN ARE INVITED for Saturday’s Family Discovery Day! RootsTech will be

February 26-29, 2020

at the

Salt Palace in Salt Lake City, Utah

When I come home from RootsTech I am sooooo inspired and have so many ideas to do and products to try! I love sharing my excitement with my children. I can’t wait to take them this year so they can be inspire in person! Hopefully I can share my excitement with you too!


  1. Keynote Speakers

This year the keynote speakers will be Emmitt Smith, David Kennerly, Leigh Anne Toughy and Ryan Hamilton. They will share incredible and inspiring stories and you will have the opportunity to get in line to meet them afterwards. Last year I met Saroo Brierley, author A Long Way Home and boy from the movie LION. While he was speaking not a single eye was dry. Ok, maybe there were a few but definitely not mine! I can’t wait to here the keynotes this year. Emmitt Smith will be speaking on Family Discovery Day so bring your children to see a former professional football player talk about family history!

2. Breakout Sessions

There will be over 300 breakout sessions. You can choose classes about family history tools, stories, DNA, photos, organizing, researching, etc. Choose according to your interests! You are guaranteed to find classes that you will love!

3. Relatives Around Me


With the Roots Tech App, you can link your family tree. You can discover what RootsTech attendees you are related to! Last year I messaged a few of the closer relatives and I had the opportunity to meet 3 relatives! I loved being able to unexpectedly meet a relative and see what stories and information they had on our family that I didn’t have.

4. Expo Hall

The expo hall is gigantic and interactive and full of booths with the latest and greatest family history products. There are hundreds of vendors and lots of demonstrations.

5. Heirloom Show-and-Tell


Last year I was able to bring pictures of my family heirlooms and experts told me all about them, even things I didn’t know! The knowledge they shared went beyond the stories my family have told me about the heirlooms and gives historical context. You can even bring the heirloom. Now I know more that I can tell my children about the heirlooms that they see displayed in our home.

6. Trace Coaches Corner offers free one-on-one mentoring with a professional genealogist. Bring your dead end or research question and they will guide you or help you find the answer!

7. Family History Library


Right across from the conference center is the Family History Library. It is the biggest family history library in the world! They have “fun and engaging discovery experiences for the whole family” as well as “records and genealogical data for over 3 billion deceased ancestors from around the globe.” It is an incredible place to be inspired and do research. Children can participate in the interactive activities located on the first floor. Each floor of the library covers a specific area of the world and there are specialists that have experience with research in those area.

8. Family Discovery Day

Saturday is Family Discovery Day and is free for families (registration is required but free). They have special activities, events, games, performances, speakers and classes to inspire children and families to discover, gather and connect with each other and their ancestors. This year Emmitt Smith will be the keynote speaker on Discovery Day. Your children are sure to be inspired to love family history by attending this special day!

Attending Roots Tech is an amazing experience. I highly recommend that you go if you have the opportunity. You will leave inspired and have so many ideas to share with your children. And even better, you can bring your children to Discovery Day and have them feel the excitement and be inspired themselves! If you don’t have the opportunity to attend, you can purchase a Virtual Pass that gives you online access to watch many of the session!

To learn more about RootsTech or to register click here!