for inspiring a love of family history
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Please click on the links below and use the coupon codes when you make a purchase. Inspire Family History receives a small contribution when you purchase from these links. This does NOT increase the price you pay, but helps keep this informational website free for everyone!
STORIED - Storied helps you build your family tree and bring it to life with vibrant stories—stories that you write collaboratively with your friends and family. On the Storied platform, you can start a tree from scratch or upload your family tree from another site. Storied family trees also allow you to add all sorts of connections beyond the standard family relationships.
TURNING LITTLE HEARTS - An incredible activity book with over 90 activities to connect children with their ancestors. 20% OFF COUPON CODE: INSPIRE101
I AM MY ANCESTORS - A book for all children that focuses on what their predecessors might've looked like, been like, and acted like; their passions and aversions; their culture and religion; what language they spoke; and what country they came from. It also theorizes where your children got their unique looks and behaviors, which is always fun to know! 20% OFF COUPON CODE: INSPIRE101
FAMILY HISTORY TECHNOLOGY LAB - Providing simple, usable and enjoyable family history apps. While on the website, log in with your familysearch account information and the games and activities (Geneopardy, Wheel of Family Fortune, etc) will be automatically created with information from your family tree.