5 Ideas to Incorporate Family History Into Your HISTORY Curriculum
by Shenley Puterbaugh
A new school year is beginning and many families are choosing to homeschool. Teaching children at home gives us the opportunity to strengthen our children and our families in unique ways. Many children and youth are going back to school and needing more resilience than ever. Whether you are a teacher at a school or homeschooling your children, incorporating family history into your curriculum will give your children the foundation they need to understand who they are and give them a greater sense of purpose and identity. (Read here ‘Why Should Children Learn Their Family History?’) Studies have shown that knowing family stories helps children and youth to be resilient, have a stronger sense of control, and be better prepared for future challenges (and these are just a few of the benefits). At this time in our world, these benefits are needed more than ever! (Read here ‘Studies and Research that Prove the Benefits of Family History’). Incorporating family history into your homeschool curriculum can be a natural and simple way for children and youth to feel these benefits. This is the first in a series of posts to help you do just that! We will have articles on incorporating family history into art, literature, sports, music, life skills and geography but this one will focus on HISTORY!
Here are 5 IDEAS to incorporate FAMILY HISTORY into your HISTORY CURRICULUM…
1. Learn how your ancestors were effected by historical events
When learning about a historical event, find out where your ancestors were. Were they directly or indirectly affected by the event? How? Discuss or write about what you learn and share what you learn with other family members! Doing this will help children see how they are connected to history!
2. Make a list of ancestors and the wars they fought in
Ask family members or search on a family history website (such as familysearch.org or ancestry.com) to find which wars your family members served in. Make a list of the ancestors and wars. When learning about those wars, learn about the ancestor who was involved in the war. You may find some who gave their life and some who survived. Each of them have a story. How did the war affect them, their immediate family and their posterity?
3. Make a timeline
Create a timeline with both historical events and family history events. Seeing them side by side, will help you connect history to your family and see what difficult and wonderful things their ancestors experienced. Next, add events from your life to the timeline!
4. Take a virtual tour
Many museums do virtual tours. Find a historical museum from the place and/or time that your ancestors lived. You can experience what museums have to offer from the comfort of your home! Click here for a list of some famous museums that do virtual tours!
5. Discover famous historical figures you are related to
You may know of well-known or famous people in your family but there may be some that you don’t know yet! Visit relativefinder.org and search groups such as astronauts, Constitution signers, Declaration signers, European Royalty, Famous Americans, US Presidents and their wives, Suffragists, Famous African Americans and more!